Distribution Automation & Grid Modernization

Tuesday, May 21, 2013 to Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Charlotte, North Carolina

Recent extreme severe weather events such as Superstorm Sandy, along with the torrent of winter storms, provide a stark reminder that distribution systems still require significant upgrading to achieve the actual levels of resilience and reliability that are required. Further work is also needed to realize the potential of and increase returns from assets already deployed.

Whether it is OMS, DMS, volt/var or even tree trimming, it is important to understand exactly what quantifiable benefits can be gained from investment in these initiatives.

Having left nearly 9 million people powerless from Maine to North Carolina, Sandy also sparked further interest in renewable energy initiatives: But what impact will this all have on grid operations and investment plans?

Bringing together over 20 experts and senior decision makers, the Distribution Automation & Grid Modernization Business Case Summit 2013 will provide business case analysis and strategic implementation results across distribution automation, hardening and distributed generation initiatives to identify how to deliver the greatest returns in reliability and resiliency, as well as value for customers.

This unique utility-led North American forum, now in its 3rd edition and redesigned for 2013 to address:

STRATEGIC GRID MODERNIZATION PLANNING: Business Case Analysis To Decipher The Highest Cost Benefit Initiatives For Increasing Resilience And Reliability Indices

UTILIZING DATA FROM THE GRID: Identifying How To Collect, Manage and Analyze System Data To Guide Operational Improvements And Increase Value From Deployed Assets

DISTRIBUTION AUTOMATION BUSINESS CASES: Understanding Actual Gains Achieved In Terms Of Cost, Performance And Efficiency Savings From Volt/Var Optimization, Substation Automation And DMS Implementation

HARDENING PLANS AND LESSONS LEARNED FROM HURRICANE SANDY:Assessing Measurable Improvements And Paybacks From Traditional Hardening Methods Vs. Automation To Better Allocate Resources

INTEGRATING DISTRIBUTED RESOURCES: Understanding The Impact Of Renewables Integration And How This Should Be Incorporated Into Grid Modernization Plans

COMMUNICATIONS INFRASTRUCTURE: Evaluating Different Strategic Approaches To Provide A Long-term, Cost Effective, Reliable And Secure System To Support Deployment Of Intelligent Devices

REAL-TIME FAULT DETECTION: Capitalizing On The Latest Live Monitoring And Communication Technologies For Quicker Failure Detection, Restoration And Outage Prevention

REGULATORY VIEW: Assessing How Smart Grid Regulations And Incentives Are Likely To Evolve To Guide Future Planning