Cybersecurity, Reliability & CIP

New Cybersecurity Collective: Qubitekk


“Quantum computers do what would take a classical computer a thousand years. A viable quantum computer will give the ability to unhinge the primitive keys upon which all cryptography is predicated. That’s how we got our foot in the door with utilities is quantum safe security for critical infrastructure.”

The Strategic Resilience Utility Toolkit

Embrace the Change

The compounding impact of rapid technology, business model, operational, customer, and policy change requires recalibrating investment priorities and a more aggressive pursuit of strategic resiliency.

EEI 2021: Sprint to Secure the Grid

Edison Electric Institute

Southern Company CEO Tom Fanning and Berkshire Hathaway Energy CEO Bill Fehrman explored the growing collaboration between the federal government and the electricity sector to help secure the grid at a time of growing cyber peril.

Virginia SCC: Cybersecurity

Information Security

“Cyber and physical security is one of the most important issues facing utilities today, particularly the electric sector, because electricity underpins our entire society.”