PUF Podcasts

Try it. Click here to see our podcasts at Apple Podcasts.

Or on your device of choice, click on the purple Podcasts app. That’s where Apple hosts gazillions of podcasts on everything from paranormal thrillers to meditative moments to investing in franchise restaurants (which isn’t really a great idea right now). And in the little search box, simply type: Podcast Utilities Fortnightly. Then, hit the Return button on your keyboard and, voila! There, right before your eyes, and ears, are our first four podcasts.

They’re there for you. We know everybody is crawling up the walls by now, desperately looking for things to do, while hunkered down at home per the advice of Dr. Fauci.

WESCO - Helping Public Power Utilities Build the Power Grid of the Future

Well then, as Shakespeare would say, the time is ripe. That is, for you to take a deep dive with the PUF team on trends in utility regulation and policy.

Three of the four ten-minute podcasts take you through the history of residential electric rates, and where rates stand presently and comparatively. The fourth ten-minute podcast explores the highs and the lows of coal’s share in electric generation, which has just set another record-low.

These first four editions of Podcast Utilities Fortnightly are only the start. We’re just getting warmed up, revving the engines (electric-powered of course), with many more adventures in utility regulation and policy to come.

And, they’re free! Whether you listen via Apple Podcasts or via the Podcasts page on our website, the cost is exactly nada. So put away that third attempt to complete all the down and across words in that New York Times crossword puzzle, and listen in to some of the most intriguing stories of our industry.