I Have Eight Questions for You

I have a quick question for you. Actually, I have eight questions for you, each with two or three possible responses, about the power industry’s future.

Here they are. What d’ya think? Take the survey here.


1. Which is most disruptive to the utility business model?

a. Flat demand for energy

b. Rapidly increasing renewable and distributed resources

c. Changing customer needs and wants

2. When will climate change pose a tangible threat to utilities?

a. Now; it’s already affecting us

b. Within next ten years

c. Never

3. What should utilities do today – most importantly – to address climate change risks?

a. Stress-test assets and current business models

WESCO - Helping Public Power Utilities Build the Power Grid of the Future

b. Value climate risks in investment decision-making

c. Develop resilient infrastructure, and mitigate and adapt

4. Which should utilities most embrace for sustained growth?

a. Digitization and artificial intelligence

b. Electrification of transportation

c. Product and service diversification

5. Which overall strategy should utilities pursue?

a. Double down, on current business model, with limited investment in new business models

b. Dual focus, on both current and new business models

c. Shift, to new business models, with limited investment in current business model

6. What is the most attractive new business model in distributed resources?

a. Asset developer or owner

b. Grid services developer, operator or broker

c. Transactive energy orchestrator

7. What primarily prevents utilities from investing in new business models?

a. Immaturity of new business models and uncertain potential

b. Rigidity of utility regulation and rate structure

8. Which potential competitors pose the biggest threat to utilities?

WESCO - Helping Public Power Utilities Build the Power Grid of the Future

a. Oil and gas majors

b. Global electric and gas companies

c. Tech and telecommunications companies

Make your opinion count. Take the survey here.