The Public Utilities Fortnightly team today announces the Fortnightly Top Innovators 2023.

From fourteen utilities: Arizona Public Service, Avangrid, BGE, Centerpoint Energy, CMS Energy, Duquesne Light, Exelon, PECO, PNM Resources, PPL Electric Utilities, Puget Sound Energy, San Diego Gas and Electric, Southern Company and Xcel Energy.
The following seventy-five Top Innovators from these fourteen utilities will be honored six weeks from today. On October 11, at the Top Innovators Awards Session, at the Fortnightly Top Innovators 2023 conference in Washington D.C. If you're interested in coming too, check out
Arizona Public Service's Scott Alford won the Nancy Fitzroy Top Innovator Award in Environment and Safety. And Kerri Carnes, Elizabeth Lawrence and Jason Delaney won the Maria Telkes Top Innovator Award in Distributed Energy.
Avangrid's Robert Antonellis, James Fox, Crispin Gathuru, Jada Pinto and Ummi Rahman won the Lewis Latimer Top Innovator Award in Design.
BGE's Andrew Hedrick and Joseph Byrd won the William Hammer Top Innovator Award in Electrification.
CenterPoint Energy's Eric Easton, Kevin Bryant and Ryan Marietta won the Edith Clarke Top Innovator Award in Reliability.
CMS Energy's Chris McNally, Derek Belote and Jason Ugartechea won the Francis Upton Top Innovator Award in Analytics.
Duquesne Light's Elizabeth Cook, Richard Saporito, Alex Rosenblatt, Jessica Valentine, Samuel Levinson, Daniel Rodgers and Sabrina Nguyen won the John Beggs Top Innovator Award in Energy Transition.
Exelon's Vlad Anderson, Ankush Agarwal and Po-Chen Chen won the Charles Steinmetz Top Innovator Award in Grid Ops.
PECO's Dustin Nace, Dave Reino and Luke Benedict won the Florence Fogler Top Innovator Award in Transmission Tech.
PNM Resources' Omni Warner and Jason Jones won the Mabel MacFerran Top Innovator Award in Storage.
PPL Electric Utilities' Sal Salet, Arun Doodnauth, Ian Mears, Bashar Jarrah and Aliesha Dombrowski-Diamond won the Charles Steinmetz Top Innovator Award in Grid Ops. As did the Exelon team mentioned above.
Puget Sound Energy's Beth Robinweiler, Ellis Bouw, Brian Zoeller and Ian Tachibana won the William Hammer Top Innovator Award in Electrification. As did the BGE team mentioned above.
And Puget Sound Energy's Bob Caplan, Manesa Sunil, Sergey Koshilevskiy, Ryan Murphy, Laurent Sayer, Diane Perry, Adam Harrison, Charlie Seese, Kevin Gowan, Chris McVicker, Greg Karlson, Chad Larson, Anne Marshall, Tom Smith, Brittainy Pond, Paul Michaels, Rod Parry, Ross Hight, Tess Galletly, Jaywant Subranamium, Narenda Nelli, Shamail Kahn, Venu Pavuluri, Chris Pawlak, Suman Pilli, Jeff Hahn, Randy Walls, Jeff Trip and Malcom McCulloch won the Maria Telkes Top Innovator Award in Distributed Energy. As did the Arizona Public Service team mentioned above.
San Diego Gas and Electric's Cam Carroll and the Wildfire Next Generation System team won the Bertha Lamme Top Innovator Award in Generation.
Southern Company's Chris Cummiskey won the George Westinghouse Top Innovator Award in Leadership.
Xcel Energy's Kirk Olson, John Miller and Andrew Brown won the Nancy Fitzroy Top Innovator Award in Environment and Safety. As did a Top Innovator at Arizona Public Service mentioned above.
Congrats to these seventy-five Top Innovators! And their fourteen utilities!