Visiting Hawaii's PUC


Unique Renewable Goals

Fortnightly Magazine - February 1 2020
WESCO - Helping Public Power Utilities Build the Power Grid of the Future

Perhaps the highest of the high points of visiting Hawaiian Electric and Hawaii's Public Utilities Commission was when Commission chair Jay Griffin announced during the pre-hearing conference we attended that "the Mitnicks" of Public Utilities Fortnightly were sitting in, as welcome guests of the Commission. (One Mitnick had flown in from Washington, D.C., the other from Tokyo.) Or perhaps when we watched the moving Hawaiian blessing of the West Loch Solar Project of Hawaiian Electric and the U.S. Navy. Or it could have been when we were given a tour of the volcano eruption's devastation of a whole housing development and the geothermal plant that provided a major proportion of the big island's power and the recovery work by Hawaiian Electric and the plant owner, Ormat. 

One more possibility, when we interviewed the super-smart engineers from the PUC and the utility, Dave Parsons and Colton Ching respectively, about how the Aloha State can innovate to the state's hundred percent renewable by 2045 goal.

During our visit, we interviewed seventeen folks at the PUC and the utility. That's a lot. And then we interviewed the state's consumer advocate and a state legislator too, on the phone, not being able to shoehorn them in while we were situated on Oahu, Maui, and Hawaii islands.

In these interviews you're certain to learn what's up in Hawaii and with this unique renewable goal. Even though you missed walking the beautiful beaches, seeing the clear night skies, and feeling the spray from the remote waterfalls of the islands.


WESCO - Helping Public Power Utilities Build the Power Grid of the Future

Hawaii-themed suite of interviews:

Visiting Hawaii's PUC

Visiting Hawaiian Electric

Hawaii's Consumer Advocate and a State Representative