Interim Chief Engineer
Gina Yi is interim chief engineer at the Hawaii Public Utilities Commission.
PUF: What is your role here?

Gina Yi: My title is Interim Chief Engineer.
PUF: What's an average day for you at the PUC like?
Gina Yi: An average day for me at the PUC includes reading the day's mail, catching up with the latest filings, attending internal and external meetings, and writing reports that contain analyses and recommendations for various projects that we have ongoing.
PUF: What led you to this job?
Gina Yi: I started my career with degrees in electrical engineering and computer science from MIT. I started working in the defense industry, writing computer programs for such organizations as DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Eventually, family ties drew me back to Hawaii where I took a job as engineer at the PUC. I've been here four years.
PUF: Do you have a group of engineers to help you? How does that work?
Gina Yi: Including me, there are three of us. It's two other engineers and myself.
PUF: Do you work with the other departments?