Utilities: The Uncertain Future - Agenda

Overview | Agenda | Speakers | Thursday, April 9, 2015


8:00 – 9:00

Registration & Breakfast Meetup

9:00 – 9:10

Welcome and Introduction

Llewellyn King, Executive, Producer and Host, “White House Chronicle” on PBS, and Bruce Radford, Executive Editor, Public Utilities Fortnightly

9:15 – 10:00

Understanding the Challenge: The Arizona Public Service Experience

Right now, the utility has presented the Arizona Corporate Commission with a couple options for those who use rooftop solar power: a bill credit or a net metering option.

Ken Silverstein, Editor, Public Utilities Fortnightly

Barbara Lockwood, PE, General Manager of Regulatory Policy and Compliance, Arizona Public Service Company

10:00 – 11:00

The Brave New World: The Washington Leaders Weigh In

The panel will examine the role of the incumbent utility in the new energy marketplace, and whether they will enter new markets en masse or in certain segments of it, or at all.

Walker F. Nolan, Esq., Oldaker Biden & Belaire LLP

David K. Owens, Executive Vice President, Business Operations and Regulatory Affairs, Edison Electric Institute
Steven A. Mitnick, Senior Energy Adviser, Bates White Economic Consulting; Author, “Lines Down: How We Pay, Use, Value Grid Electricity Amid the Storm”
John Ashford, Chairman and CEO, The Hawthorn Group

11:00 – 11:15Break
11:30 – 1:00

The Front Lines: The Utilities

Certainly utilities are taking an aggressive position with respect to onsite generation, energy storage and micro-grids. Among them: NRG and Green Mountain Power.

Ken Silverstein, Public Utilities Fortnightly

Steve Corneli, Senior Vice President, Sustainability, Policy and Strategy, NRG Energy
• Stan Blazewicz, Vice President, Business Development, National Grid
Pamela Keefe, Chief Financial Officer, Electric Power Research Institute

1:00 – 2:00Lunch
2:15 - 2:45

Keynote Address, Introduced by Llewellyn King

Federal regulators will play an important role in the new energy economy, which Commissioner Moeller will outline, and drawing special attention to how the federal and state governments can work together.

• Philip Moeller, Commissioner, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

2:45 – 5:00

The Regulators: Can They Manage the Change?

State public utility commissions will be at the forefront of any new regulations that would apply to ushering in the new energy economy, things like net metering laws and renewable portfolio standards. Just where they stand depends on where they are located.

Bill Loveless, Energy Journalist, Former Platts Editor and TV Host

Garry Brown, Former Chairman, New York Public Utilities Commission
Edward G. Cazalet, Chief Executive Officer, TeMix Inc., a transactive systems and services company; Former Governor of the California ISO
Brian Keane, President, SmartPower

5:30 - 6:30

Networking Reception

The Unwind: Minds and Wines, Etc. – and a special introduction to the storied National Press Club

Friday, April 10, 2015

8:00 – 8:30

Breakfast Meetup

8:30 – 9:00

Keynote Address, Introduced by Llewellyn King

The regional transmission operator is at the forefront of ordering up generation and scheduling it across the transmission lines. It says that more wind and solar are doable -- but that more transmission is necessary.

• W. Terry Boston, President and Chief Executive Officer, PJM Interconnection

9:15 – 9:30Stretch Break
9:30 – 11:00

Panel: How to Accommodate Demand Response, Self-Generation and Microgrids without Affecting Reliability    

The new entrants into the utility space say that they have the know-how and the agility to get the job done. Will they partner with utilities?    

Ken Silverstein, Public Utilities Fortnightly

Dan Delurey, Chief Executive, Association for Demand Response and Smart Grid
Darren Hammell, Chief Strategy Officer, Princeton Power                          
Sharon Allen, Chief Executive Officer, Smart Grid Interoperability Panel

Ken Munson, President, Sunverge Energy Inc.

11:00 – 12-30

The Administration, Wall Street and Public Power

Just how the new energy economy unfolds is up for debate: The possibilities range from business-as-usual to all-out-grid defection, and anything in between.

Llewellyn King

Bryan Hannegan, Associate Laboratory Director, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Walter Streight Howes, Managing Partner, Verdigris Capital
• Sue Kelly, President, American Public Power Association
• Julia Hamm, President and CEO, Solar Electric Power Association



Conference Wrap-up

Bruce Radford, Public Utilities Fortnightly

Sponsoring Organizations

Sunverge - Renewable Made Reliable


Overview | Agenda | Speakers | Register